tondo doni

This work of art was commissioned by Agnolo Doni, a rich banker, who wanted to have a round painting depicting the Sacred Family in his house. The three characters of the group are in the center of the round: in the foreground is the Madonna, but unlike the tradition she's not holding the baby but turns to take it from Joseph, kneeling behind her. The dynamic motion of this movement perfectly adapted to the round shape of the picture. In the background you can see a small St. John the Baptist and farther some naked people leaning against a rock wall. In the long distance then you can notice a lake, a meadow and very hazy mountains.


Author: Michelangelo
Uffizi Room n°: Sala 25
Year: 1503 - 1504
Style: Rinascimento
Techics: Tempera su tavola
Size: 120 x 120 cm

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