polittico di badia

Originally this polyptych by Giotto was placed on the main altar of the Badia Fiorentina, but around 1568 it was moved and it sank into oblivion. The work was rediscovered only in the nineteenth century in the Museum of the Basilica of Santa Croce. The polyptych consists of five panels with a triangular shaped spire, from left are represented: St. Nicholas of Bari, John the Evangelist, the Virgin and Child, St. Peter and St. Benedict. In the cusps are present rounds with busts of angels, except the central one depicting a blessing Christ. The figures have intense looks and are well defined in space, small details, like the affectionate gesture of the child and the soft garments of the saints, makes them human as never before.


Author: Giotto
Uffizi Room n°: Sala 2
Year: 1300
Style: Gotico
Techics: Tempera su tavola
Size: 142 x 337 cm

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